Different factors must be considered when planning a roof repair or replacement project. But besides selecting the right materials, hiring the right contractor is also essential. After all, working with someone who has the knowledge and experience makes a big difference in ensuring a successful roofing job. However, additional steps must be completed if you live in an HOA community.
When you live in an HOA community, you have to abide by its Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs). This often means seeking approval for your roofing project, or you’ll face several legal problems during or after the project’s completion. Local roof repair and replacement contractor De Palma Construction shares more insight:
What to Expect When Seeking HOA Approval
If you’re planning a major roof replacement project, seeking approval will depend on the documented agreement between you and your HOA. Not all agreements require approval for renovations relating to the appearance and structural integrity of your roof, but most HOA communities will have similar roof requirements when it comes to appearance. Make sure to check your HOA agreement and find out any rules relating to roof replacement.
When it comes to roof appearance, most HOA communities will have similar roof requirements such as the colors, style, and type of materials used. Before your residential and commercial roofing contractor proceeds with your construction, the plans must be submitted and approved by the board even if it’s just a simple roof repair project.
Why Is It Necessary to Seek HOA Approval?
Seeking HOA approval is required so that they can check if your project abides by the rules and keep your home’s exterior design within its requirements. Related home styles help retain the real estate value in your local area as well as give your community a particular look and feel. Seeking HOA approval will also ensure a faster installation process. This means you won’t face any lawsuits or pay fines since your project already abides by the local rules and guidelines.
As a top commercial and residential roofing contractor in the area, De Palma Construction ensures that the job gets done professionally and efficiently. Call us at (717) 638-1131 or just fill out our convenient contact form. Talk to us today!
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